"Where's my photo book?"

Exposition of Sherwin Pinto and Raquel Maduro-Odor (Mamiquel) in gallery Sobre Mesa

At the moment there is a message on Facebook about the photo book of artist Sherwin Pinto. The artist has recently lost the booklet. It contains photos of works of art that he made over the years. Next week, Sherwin Pinto's work can be seen in gallery Sobre Mesa. Friday at 16:00 is the festive opening of the new exhibition with paintings by Sherwin Pinto and work by dot artist Raquel Maduro-Odor (Mamiquel).

Hòfi Kultural

Both artists work on their artworks every Friday morning at the Arts & Crafts activity at Hòfi Kultural. Sherwin Pinto makes large paintings that are at the same time very detailed: an impressive combination. On 10 November, a work of art by Pinto was unveiled during the UN Convention on Disability. As usual, everyone was very impressed with his work. Art connoisseurs on the BES islands are all fans.

Recognized artist

When Pinto was still living in Curaçao, he was a familiar face at Instituto Buena Bista, the center for modern art. Here he experimented with various techniques and found his own style. He was guided and inspired by the well-known artists Tirzo Martha and David Bade. At the moment, Sherwin Pinto's work still hangs in the exhibition space of the institute in Curaçao. Funny detail: the work was not yet finished, but was found so beautiful that it was hung anyway.

Lost photo booklet

Sherwin Pinto had been collecting photos of his paintings in a small photo book for years. This made it easy for him to show his work to people. Recently, he lost that photo book, probably in the hospital. Does anyone know where that photo book is? The photo booklet contains photos of paintings that he no longer owns. They have gone all over the world: sold, given away, and so on. That is precisely why it is so important to find the photo booklet.

Dot artist Raquel Maduro-Odor creates ‘brick-art’

Sherwin Pinto works autonomously on Fridays at Hòfi Kultural, but likes the people around him. Dot artist Raquel Maduro-Odor is also always there. She likes to come early so that she has plenty of time to prepare her materials. When she has everything on display, she works independently, just like Sherwin Pinto, in the midst of the fun. Her works always enjoy great interest. Previously, she painted on canvas and walls, but lately she prefers to paint bricks. The effect is refreshing and a bit alienating: you first see something graceful and refined. If you look closely, you'll see that it's a brick. You have to come and see it with your own eyes. The exhibition runs from 1 December to 9 December.

Watch our mini documentary about UN Convention Handicap

Casimir Roosje made a portrait of people with disabilities who live on the BES islands. The film is about human rights and the importance of the UN Convention on Disability in which those rights are guaranteed and protected.

The UN Convention on Disability took place on Friday, the 3rd of November at Hòfi Kultural in Bonaire. The event was organised by Care and Youth Caribbean Netherlands (ZJCN), which is part of the Ministry of VWS, in cooperation with Tara bv. The aim of the event was to improve awareness about, and develop a joint activities programme concerning, the rights of people with disabilities on the islands of the Caribbean Netherlands.

The symposium brought together a diverse group of people to talk about the UN Convention on Disability in the Caribbean Netherlands. Representatives from the Netherlands Institute for Human Rights, interest group Ieder(in), the advisory service Niets Over Ons Zonder Ons (‘Nothing About Us Without Us’), the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, and the Prins Hendrik athletics club talked about their efforts in the field of accessibility and participation.

People with disabilities are still all too often excluded on a day-to-day basis, which prevents them from fully participating in society. The Ministry of VWS plays a central role in implementing the UN Convention on Disability in the Caribbean Netherlands, and focuses on stimulating initiatives, unifying the various parties, issuing awareness-related communication, and promoting knowledge development and experience-based expertise. It is crucial to involve people with disabilities in the ratification process of the UN Convention on Disability for the Caribbean Netherlands, based on the principle of ‘Nothing About Us Without Us’.

Highlights of the symposium

One of the highlights of the event was a very impressive film by film-maker Casimir Roosje, which offered an insight into the lives of people with disabilities in the Caribbean Netherlands. The film emphasised the crucial role of human rights and the importance of the UN Convention on Disability. Marieke Knol and Mimoun Himmit then presented a report that explored the rights of people with disabilities in the Caribbean Netherlands. They used the report to make five important recommendations:

P - Create a personally-managed programme about every article in the Convention.

E - Deploy the experience-based expertise of people with disabilities more often.

A - Tie in with the poverty strategy.

C - Start a campaign to improve awareness.

E - Cooperate with de Alliantie in the Netherlands.

After the presentation, the approximately 50 attending professionals and experts by experience started a dialogue in order to identify priorities and quick wins in various areas of life, such as employment, income, free time, healthcare, education, accommodation and accessibility. The results of these discussions are being collected and will be incorporated into the follow-up strategy.

The symposium was wrapped up by Herbert Barnard, director of ZJCN, who looked back at a fruitful day. A painting by artist Sherwin Pinto was revealed during the wrap-up. This painting introduced an exhibition that will open at Galerie Sobremesa as of the 1st of December. This also signalled the start of efforts to ensure that people with disabilities can fully participate in society in the Caribbean Netherlands, based on the UN Convention on Disability.

Concerts by the elderly of Hòfi Kultural

The elderly of Hòfi Kultural are going to perform music that has its origins in the time of slavery on Bonaire. They play a composition of rhythms and melodies that arose from working in the field, among other things. Protest songs and lamentations are also part of the repertoire. The musical instruments are made of mostly recycled materials: a mix of then and now. A number of young people have also been enthused by the music and will play along.

In the time of slavery, enslaved people had to leave everything behind and give it up, even their names. But they brought their love for music with them. It was in their hearts and hands. They played inspiring, catchy rhythms to the beat of the work. Chopping, walking and stamping, they sang to each other courage. In addition, they also sang protest songs and lamentations.

The elderly of Hòfi Kultural invite everyone to come and listen, look and feel. Amancio Batta, player of the barí: 'Music from the time of slavery is imbued with emotion. It's music you have to experience... with all your senses'.


The first concert on 14 November is exclusively for interested parties and those involved. The concerts afterwards are open to everyone. For the latest information, check out Hòfi Kultural's Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/HofiKultural

Músika di Sklabitut Boneiru (MdSB) is an initiative of Fundashon Plataforma Kultural (FPK) in the context of the Slavery Remembrance Year. Until the summer of 2024, the elderly of Hòfi Kultural will give a series of concerts at various locations on Bonaire. A number of concerts are part of the Terramar Museum's programme, made possible by the Cultural Participation Fund. This is also the case with the opening concert on 14 November with the theme Cultural Heritage.

Podium Bonaire at Hòfi Kultural great succes

On Sunday 28 May a concert of Classical Music Board took place at Hòfi Kultural. The program consisted of all Bonairean artists in the pleasant atmosphere of Hòfi Kultural. The concert was sold out in a few days. The Con Alma Saxophone Ensemble surprised with truly moving arrangements of music by old and new composers. Amancio Batta & friends gave new life to old and well-known songs. Trio Sabrosito (now quartet, quintet and even sextet), with the great pianist Claudia Cassier, percussionist Elvin Marchena and singer Carlos Mancilla, played inspired as always, ending with the famous song Guantanamera. As the sun went down we were moved by the sonorous sounds of Adriana Oliveira and Rignald Kastaneer. We were happy to host the Classical Music Board with these great musicians.

Hòfi Kultural remains open!

There is good news to share! Fundashon Plataforma Kultural has received a hard-fought subsidy increase so the activities for the elderly at Hòfi Kultural can continue!

Fundashon Plataforma Kultural (FPK), with Hòfi Kultural as location, made itself heard last summer. For months, the elderly performed at various locations, speaking to the press. There were also clear and sometimes emotional appeals from the elderly of Hòfi Kultural on social media to continue the activities at Hòfi Kultural.

During the press moments and also the speaking time in the Island Council, the board of FPK asked for attention for the Foundation, which was in financial distress, but also more broadly; for the entire cultural sector of Bonaire.

The redeeming message

Fundashon Plataforma Kultural is very pleased that the redeeming message recently came from OLB that a subsidy increase is possible. Last February 22, the current FPK board chairman Marieke Knol received the Zorgcontract for 2023 from the deputy of culture Elvis Tjin Asjoe at SKAL.

Making music and wellbeing

The activities for the elderly at Hòfi Kultural have thus been secured for this year. Groups of elderly people can continue to come to Hòfi Kultural every week and make music together and be creative. These activities are of great significance to the elderly and their well-being. The elderly can paint and do crafts at Hòfi Kultural. And there are several days when music is made. There is plenty of singing along and playing on, like kuarta, sinfonia and guitar. It goes without saying that it contributes to the preservation of Bonaire's cultural heritage, through the local instruments that are used and the local old songs that are played at Hòfi Kultural.

Are you a bit older now, and would you like to make music together? Then come and have a look at Hòfi Kultural. For the times of the activities, see www.hofikultural.com

Big chance Hòfi Kultural will remain open

Fundashon Plataforma Kultural has received a letter from Public Entity Bonaire with a provisional grant subject to the approval of the island budget 2023 by the Island Council and the Minister of Interior and Kingdom Relations. Thank you for this.

The board of Fundashon Plataforma Kultural is very happy with the letter of the Public Entity Bonaire. It means that Hòfi Kultural can remain open in 2023 for activities for the elderly. This is how we collectively contribute to a creative, inclusive and social society. In December the foundation exists 12.5 years and we will celebrate this with festive activities for the elderly on December 13 and the presentation of a publication about the work of the foundation.

We would like to thank all the elderly for last year's campaign in which we collectively stressed the importance of the activities at Hòfi Kultural. Our thanks also go to DOEN Foundation, Fonds voor Cultuurparticipatie and Samenwerkende Fondsen, cooperation partners such as ZW group and MHC and thanks to Directie Samenleving en Zorg.

Hòfi Kultural was visited by officials of OCW and OLB

On Wednesday 2 November, officials from the ministry of education, culture and science and the Public Entity Bonaire visited Hòfi Kultural. Together we discussed the project Cultuureducatie met Kwaliteit for which Fundashon Plataforma Kultural is the coordinator. Attention was also paid to the letter received from State Secretary Uslu to Frente Kultural in which she invites the cultural field to think along about the cultural governmental system on the islands. Finally, the visitors could enjoy the music of the elderly.

Hòfi Kultural is threatened with closure

It was Princess Beatrix who, at the opening of Hòfi Kultural, in November 2018, confided to the people of Hòfi Kultural: "keep dancing, keep singing, keep making music". But it is feared that this will come to an end on 31 December 2022. The annual contribution from the Public Body for Hòfi Kultural has been too low for years. Hòfi Kultural is therefore now sounding the alarm bells: "We may have to disappoint Princess Beatrix and with her a lot of people on Bonaire".

At Hòfi Kultural, more than forty elderly people play music together every week on typical Bonairian instruments such as the kwarta, wiri and sinfonia. Also, weekly visits are undertaken by twenty volunteers with vulnerable elderly people on Bonaire. Hòfi Kultural is best known for the many colorful murals that have appeared throughout the island. Artists together with youngsters and MBO students make Bonaire even more colorful than it already was. Groups of children and adults with a psychological vulnerability also make music and art at Hòfi Kultural. Hòfi Kultural is committed to more culture in primary education. By organizing meetings for teachers and cultural foundations and giving training to artists who can work in the classroom.

These are just a few of the activities that take place at Hòfi Kultural to keep culture alive on Bonaire.

Kultura pa tur! Culture for everyone!

All this is in danger of disappearing at the end of December when the basic funding for the organisation of the activities stays insufficient. That is why Hòfi Kultural has made a proposal about what is minimally needed to continue the basic activities of Hòfi Kultural. That proposal was offered on Thursday 19 May to deputy Nina den Heyer and Timoteo Silberie, from Samenleving en Zorg.

For more information visit www.hofikultural.com
Hòfi Kultural - Krea bo mes Mundu

Het was Prinses Beatrix die bij de opening van Hòfi Kultural, in november 2018, de mensen van Hòfi Kultural toevertrouwde: “blijf dansen, blijf zingen, blijf muziek maken”. Maar gevreesd wordt dat hier per 31 december 2022 een einde aan komt. De jaarlijkse bijdrage vanuit Openbaar Lichaam voor Hòfi Kultural is al jaren te laag. Hòfi Kultural luidt daarom nu de alarmklokken: “We moeten Prinses Beatrix misschien teleurstellen en met haar een heleboel mensen op Bonaire”.
Bij Hòfi Kultural spelen elke week ruim veertig ouderen samen muziek op typische Bonairiaanse instrumenten zoals de kwarta, wiri en sinfonia. Ook worden wekelijks leuke uitjes ondernomen door twintig vrijwilligers met kwetsbare ouderen op Bonaire. Hòfi Kultural is vooral bekend van de vele kleurrijke muurschilderingen die op het hele eiland zijn verschenen. Kunstenaars samen met jongeren en MBO leerlingen maken Bonaire nog kleurrijker dan het al was. Ook groepen kinderen en volwassenen met een psychische kwetsbaarheid maken muziek en kunst bij Hòfi Kultural. Hòfi Kultural zet zich in voor meer cultuur in het basisonderwijs. Door meetings te organiseren voor leerkrachten en culturele stichtingen en trainingen te geven aan kunstenaars die in de klas aan de slag kunnen.
Dit is maar een greep uit de activiteiten die bij Hòfi Kultural plaatsvinden om cultuur levend te houden op Bonaire.
Kultura pa tur! Cultuur voor iedereen!
Hòfi Kultural dreigt met al deze activiteiten eind december te moeten stoppen, wanneer de basisfinanciering vanuit OLB ontoereikend blijft. Daarom heeft Hòfi Kultural een voorstel gemaakt wat minimaal nodig is om de basisactiviteiten van Hòfi Kultural door te laten gaan. Dat voorstel is donderdag 19 mei aangeboden aan gedeputeerde Nina den Heyer en Timoteo Silberie van Samenleving en Zorg.

Tabata Prinsesa Beatrix kende na apertura di Hòfi Kultural, na novèmber 2018, a konfia e hendenan di Hòfi Kultural: “sigui balia, sigui kanta, sigui toka músika”. Pero awor ta teme ku entrante 31 de desèmber 2022 ta pone un fin na tur esaki. E kontribushon anual di parti di Entidat Públiko Boneiru na Hòfi Kultural pa añanan kaba ta muchu abou. Hòfi Kultural pues ta bati alarma for di awor: “Aweró por ta nos lo mester desapuntá Prinsesa Beatrix i huntu kuné un kantidat di hende aki na Boneiru”.
Na Hòfi Kultural kada siman tin mas ku kuarenta hende grandi ta toka músika huntu riba instrumentonan típiko boneriano manera kuarta, wiri i sinfonia. Ademas tin binti boluntario ta bai hasi paseo interesante ku hende grandi frágil na Boneiru. Hòfi Kultural ta prinsipalmente konosí pa e tantísimo muralnan kolorido ku a presentá rònt e isla. Artistanan huntu ku hóbennan i studiantenan di MBO ta hasi Boneiru mas kolorido ainda ku e tabata kaba. Tambe grupo di mucha i adulto ku fragilidat síkiko ta praktiká músika i arte na Hòfi Kultural. Hòfi Kultural ta empeñá pa mas kultura den enseñansa básiko. Dor di organisá enkuentronan pa maestronan i fundashonnan kultural i duna training na artistanan ku por bai traha den klas.
Esakinan ta djis un selekshon di tur e aktividatnan ku ta tuma lugá na Hòfi Kultural pa mantené kultura bibu na Boneiru.
Kultura pa tur!
Esakinan tur ta kore peliger di disparsé pa motibu ku e finansiamentu básiko pa organisashon di e aktividatnan no ta sufisiente. Pa e motibu akí Hòfi Kultural a traha un proposishon di loke por mínimo ta nesesario pa laga e aktividatnan básiko di Hòfi Kultural kontinuá. E proposishon akí a keda entregá na deputado Nina den Heyer i Timoteo Silberie di Samenleving en Zorg riba djaweps 19 di mei.

Leilana nominated for Best Mural World Wide 2021

One of the Street Colors Bonaire murals, Leilana, made by Tymon de Laat, got nominated for the BEST MURAL WORLD WIDE 2021- People’s choice award - via Street Art Cities.

Let's put Bonaire on the street art World map by voting via the link below. Go to -Best of 2021-, scroll down and choose Leilana! Your support would be much appreciated!

Vote Now

A big thank you to Tymon de Laat, Rewriters010, the crew of Tikiandco and Street Art Cities on behalf of Street Colors Bonaire

#streetcolorsbonaire #streetart #bonairetourism #bonaire #bonaireisland #bonairestreetart

Christmas Performance by Musicians of Hòfi Kultural

The past few weeks we kept it as a secret, but today we can reveal our Christmas surprise to you: the Christmas performance by musicians of Hòfi Kultural!
With lots of pleasure and much attention, the musicians have practiced for weeks for the recordings, which will be shown to the general public from tomorrow.
The Christmas performance by musicians of Hòfi Kultural 2021 can be listened to and viewed on different days. Nobody has to miss it
The broadcasts are on:
- BON FM radio 102,7 and on their website on 25 December at 10.00 am
- NOS TV on 25 December at 11.00 am and at 5.00 pm
- NOS TV on December 26 at 15.00 hours
- and finally on Tuesday 28 December at 15.00 hours at BonaireTV on channel 23 of Flamingo tv and at the same time on channel 70 of Telbo.
- Digitally on your computer you can also watch the broadcast of NOSTV at their hours on their website.


Enjoy watching and listening!
Many thanks go out to NOS TV, BON FM and BonaireTV for broadcasting the Christmas performance, and thanks to Raynel Cicilia for filming and editing.
On behalf of the entire team of Hòfi Kultural we wish you: felis Pasku i un bon aña nobo!
#bonpasku #bonaire #bonairelife #bonaireisland #bonairemusic #hofikultural #dushibonaire

Cultural Education Program Cultuureducatie met Kwaliteit CN is going to start!

Fundashon Plataforma Kultural, as overall coördinator of the program Cultuureducatie met Kwaliteit CN has started the first conversations with various parties. The Program is made possible by Fonds voor Cultuurparticipatie. A cooperation agreement has also been made with the Public Entity Bonaire. With this program, Fundashon Plataforma Kultural will work together with the education and cultural institutions on Bonaire on a vibrant and creative future for the children in primary education.

Cultural Education with Quality (CmK CN) is about purposeful learning about and with art, heritage and media through targeted instruction, both inside and outside schools. The project is now starting step by step at an appropriate pace so that everyone has the opportunity to participate. During CmK CN, the schools can inspire and help each other and the cultural field to continue.

Good cooperation between the various parties is essential. This will take place through Communities of Practice (CoP). A CoP is a group of 'practitioners' who learn with and from each other how they can make their cultural education for pupils more durable. Here all parties come together and attention is paid to vision development, training, planning of the cultural map, knowledge sharing and expertise promotion. In short, the Communities of Practice (CoP) is central to the approach and collaboration.

In March 2020, the first LKCA (Landelijke Kennisinstituut Cultuureducatie en Amateurkunst) training for cultural education was held at Hòfi Kultural. Schools, policy officers and art teachers affiliated with cultural foundations participated and during the training various points of attention and ambitions of the various parties were communicated.

In addition to setting up the Communities of Practice, Cultural Education with Quality CN will stimulate the cultural environment of the child by promoting the expertise of art teachers and teachers, planning a Cultural Map and organizing Cultural activities at school. To know more about how your school or cultural institution can participate in this program, please contact Fundashon Plataforma Kultural at the email address info@plataformakultural.com

From standard kliko to kliko artwork

On 23 October, 21 young people used their creative talents to transform the green Selibon klikos into a true work of art. At Hòfi Kultural, students from Scholen Gemeenschap Bonaire, Forma, Forsa, VMBO and Liseo painted unique designs under the guidance of local artists that illustrate the themes of nature and sustainability. This activity is part of the Sushi or Dushi Kliko Challenge. For the most beautifully painted clickos, the participating young people and the schools can win a prize.

The atmosphere was good last Saturday at Hòfi Kultural. While enjoying music and a good dose of enthusiasm, the young people started painting their own invented creations on the kliko's. On the painted clickos you can see illustrations of litter, sports, flora, fauna, landscapes and the underwater world. A number of clickos also contain motivational texts to keep Bonaire clean and to protect animals. The students are so impressed by the clicko artworks that they believe thatonly garbage bags should be allowed in to keep themclean. Some young people even want to take the clicko home with them.

The painting day started with an interactive presentation of STINAPA's teaching material about nature and the importance of depositing and separating waste. The nature lesson also served as inspiration for painting the clickos. After the nature lesson, the young people were so inspired that a number of them said they wanted to join a clean-up. Creativity was not only used in painting the clickos,but also in making a rap about the responsible handling of litter and the protection of nature. The rap was written and recorded by Juriëlla Josephia,accompanied by Jo Coffie (Jo Café Music).

The collaboration between the artists and young people was enormously inspiring. Everyone helped each other to learn techniques, make designs and make the clickos as beautiful as possible. The creative process was different for each group. Some groups had a concrete idea in advance and others ran free during the painting. The enthusiasm to do a Kliko Challenge again is great and the young people are eagerly looking forward to a similar project.

The nine painted clickos will be judged by a jury on 5 November during a private meeting. On the Boneiru Duradero Facebook page and Sushi or Dushi Instagram page you can vote from 29 October. The rap will also be shared on social media and with radio stations. For the favorite clickos, a prize is awarded to the schools and the young people during the private meeting.

The Sushi or Dushi Kliko Challenge is an initiative of the World Wildlife Fund, Public Entity Bonaire and Selibon N.V. in collaboration with Tourism Corporation Bonaire, STINAPA and Fundashon Plataforma Kultural. Caribbean Homes is the main sponsor of this project and the painting materials are sponsored by Krioyo Paints. The Sushi or Dushi Kliko Challenge is a project that is carried out to make both young and old more aware of the importance of careful handling of nature.

Fruit and vegetable packages for the elderly

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Kompañá nos Grandinan is the project of Hòfi Kultural for the elderly on Bonaire. This week, 11 older people were able to receive another fruit and vegetable package from their buddy. Where normally a regular volunteer visits the older person every week, this is at the moment not possible due to corona. The contact currently exists by calling each other a lot and stopping by for a little conversation at the gate. And... deliver the fruit and vegetable package that we regularly give to the elderly. This 2nd round of the package is made possible Tur Kos Ta Bunita Speech Therapy Practice. Owner Ankie Franssen also works a lot with the elderly as a speech therapist and wanted to contribute by sponsoring this healthy action.

It's great, the positive reactions we've received to the initiative. And in the coming period we can continue to deliver a healthy fruit and vegetable package to this group of elderly people. Because at this very moment it is very important for vulnerable elderly people to eat fresh fruit and vegetables.

Kompañá nos Grandinan is a project of Fundashon Plataforma Kultural and is supported by Samenwerkende Fondsen en Stichting DOEN.

More information? Send us a message via Messenger or email to office@plataformakultural.com
Learn more www.hofikultural.com/kompana-nos-grandinan

Street Colors Bonaire receives third artist

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This weekend, Fundashon Plataforma Kultural expects the artist Kenneth Letsoin, a.k.a. Naamloozz for the project Street Colors Bonaire. For five weeks Kenneth will stay on Bonaire and give workshops at various locations, guide the talent group with painting and collaborate with the local artists and coaches of the project.

The previous visiting artist Tymon de Laat left behind an award-winning mural in Kaya Bonaire. His large, realistic portraits are very different from the work of Naamloozz who works mainly expressively and abstractly. Kenneth's work is bursting with energy, colour and emotion. In addition to murals, he also likes to make art from waste. When asked what he expects here on Bonaire, he says: "I never really expect anything but let me be surprised on the spot and see what I can do there. I can make anything out of nothing and always get inspired by the environment, by people, the culture and especially the moment." He finds the lockdown a challenge rather than an obstacle: "How do you deal with this situation as an artist? How can I put a spin on that? I'd rather look at what's possible than what I can't. Art always goes on, especially on the streets".

Kenneth Letsoin is on Bonaire from 4 April to 10 May. For more information, cooperation and available walls, please send an email to: scb@plataformakultural.com

Street Colors Bonaire is a project of Fundashon Plataforma Kultural in collaboration with Rewriters Rotterdam and is supported by Openbaar Lichaam Bonaire, Fonds 21 and Fonds voor Cultuurparticipatie.

'Leilana′ by Tymon de Laat won


Woooow ′′ Leilana ′′ by Tymon de Laat won the best mural worldwide of the month of February peoples choice award, organized by Street Art Cities.
Thank you all so much for the support. This mural is painted in the kaya Bonaire for tiki&co during the stay of Tymon de Laat for the Street Colors Bonaire project. An initiative of Hòfi Kultural Bonaire in collaboration with Rewriters010.
Our thanks go out to the community of Bonaire who voted and ensured that this mural won. Look at www.streetcolorsbonaire.com for more information about the project and background information of the murals on Bonaire.

Street Colors Bonaire invites Tymon de Laat on Bonaire

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Foto: Kenny Ranking

Fundashon Plataforma Kultural on Bonaire and Rewriters010 (the street art platform of Hiphop in je Smoel) in Rotterdam have worked together before in the field of cultural education and cultural exchange. In 2020 this resulted in the start of Street Colors Bonaire, a street art project for the island that gives the local street art culture a boost.

In this context, the expertise of artists from Rotterdam, who go to Bonaire to share it with both young people and upcoming artists there, is used. In November it was the turn of the Italian Edoardo 'Dodici' Trionfera and for a week now, the artist Tymon de Laat from Rotterdam has been active in giving workshops and realizing works of art on Bonaire. "For me it is a nice experiment to play with parts of the identity of Bonaire", says de Laat when creating his first mural on the island. And also giving his first workshop to the local youth is nice: "Very nice, and the children work very hard!"

Tymon's main motivation to come to Bonaire is to be able to give a cultural incentive to young people who may not yet see the profession of artist as a feasible goal. He proves that it is. After all, with more than 17,000 followers on Instagram, Tymon is certainly not a small name in the street art scene. His specialization is large, colored portraits that he builds in detail with spray cans. The people he depicts are mostly people he encountered during his travels through South and Central America. His love of travel is another aspect that made the trip to Bonaire interesting for him. "I like to discover how other countries and communities view life. I can't do that with a short holiday, but with a stay of 5 weeks I can go a long way." Tymon is on Bonaire until 28 February.

More information about the project can be found at

This project is made possible by Fonds 21, Fonds voor Cultuur Participatie and Openbaar Lichaam Bonaire.

Don't tell Dodici what to do: "This is art, not math."


Edoardo 'Dodici' Trionfera has just returned from his trip to Bonaire, but the memories of his experiences will stay with him for a long time. His lively, cartoonish lines and cheerful illustrations have also made their mark on the island. These can be found in the murals he created as part of a cultural exchange program. Dodici: "At the beginning it made me nervous, but in the end I really appreciated what I left on the island."

Read the full article on www.hiphopinjesmoel.com